Inactive Logout Pro version 2.7.0 Release

May 20, 2024

Inactive Logout Pro version 2.7.0 Release

With the release of version 2.7.0 – Inactive Logout pro introduces a new feature called User Login/logout History tracker. This allows administrator to effectively track users who login and logout of their website. This helps in keeping unwanted logins secured.

Feature Hightlights:

  1. Login Time – Track through login time
  2. Logout Time – Track through logout time
  3. Online Status – Shows status if a user is online or offline
  4. Session Duration – Duration of the session which the user is logged into.
  5. Role – User Role
  6. Browser – From which browser the user has logged in.
  7. Operating System – From which operating system the user is logged in as.
  8. IP Address
  9. Timezone of the User
  10. Filters based on browser, login type, OS, role and time
  11. Export Data to CSV or Print.

More detail on how to configure and features on How to track user login/logout history using Inactive Logout Pro.

Below are the full list of changelogs in inactive logout pro version 2.7.0

* Revamped codebase
* Added: Track User Login history
* Added: User Session tracker filters
* Added: User Logout history
* Javascript library updates
* Code Optimization

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